Can Air Ionizers prevent Coronavirus!

Covid-19 has changed the way people around the world approach life. Before the coronavirus pandemic, few people cared about the air they breathe. Whether they are on a plane, train, office, hotel, or school, no one took measures to protect themselves and even their families.

Aside from our current predicament, air pollution is a global problem. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 7 million die every year due to air pollution. The deaths are a result of heart disease, lung cancer, stroke, and acute respiratory infections. Experts point out that the diseases above are typically caused by outdoor and indoor air pollution.

In the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have asked, can an air purifier filter the Coronavirus? If they do, which are the most efficient? How do they work and how to use them correctly.

Can Air Purifiers Filter Coronavirus?

Let’s face it. The world is desperate for a vaccine that can help fight the Coronavirus. From Asia to Europe, scientists are spending countless hours developing and testing vaccines that will fight COVID-19.

Meanwhile, in conjunction with other health agencies, the WHO has come up with several measures to reduce the spread of the disease. To protect yourself and others, practice the following:

  • Clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • Maintain a distance of 6 feet between yourself and others when in public.
  • Avoid crowded places.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.
  • Follow good respiratory hygiene.
  • If you have a fever or difficult breathing, seek medical attention.

While the steps above have helped reduce the spread of the disease. Many people are now obsessed with the idea that air purifiers can protect against Covid-19. The obsession seems to be with indoor air purifiers with fibrous filters like HEPA filter or a UVGI filtration.

So, can air purifiers filter Coronavirus? Before we answer this question, let’s find out more about Coronavirus.

Coronavirus Sizes and Transmission

Globally, scientists placed samples with the Coronavirus virion under an electron microscope. They determined that the virus is spherical with a diameter of 0.12 microns from the electron microscope images. The smallest of the virions is 0.06 microns, while the largest 0.14 microns.

However, the virus can’t spread without a carrier. The virus transmits through respiratory droplets and aerosols from an infected person via coughing, sneezing, talking, or singing. So, transmission occurs in two ways:

Droplets Transmission

  • Larger droplets from an infected person via coughing, sneezing, talking, or singing.
  • Size: 5 – 10 microns, settle quickly.
  • Infection type: close contact, typically within about 6 feet from the source.

Airborne Transmission

  • Smaller aerosols (droplet nuclei) from an infected person via coughing, sneezing, talking, or singing.
  • Size: Smaller than 5 microns, floats in the air for a long time.
  • Infection type: contagious aerosol can travel long distances by air current.

Learn more about COVID-19 transmission from the CDC and WHO.

Can Ionizer Air Purifiers Filter Coronavirus?

Air ionizers like Space Sanitizer helps to remove particles in the air known as an ionizer. The ionizer is a common feature in modern air purifiers.

It works by releasing negative ions that attach themselves to particles and droplets, removing them from the air.


An air ionizer like Space Sanitizer  can protect you from COVID-19 inside closed spaces like home, gym, schools, offices, cinema halls, hospitals, etc. but in a limited way. This is where face masks come in handy. With a facemask, you and your family can avoid breathing the respiratory droplets carrying Coronavirus. Besides face masks, avoid contact with infected persons.

You and your family should practice strong hygiene practices. That includes washing your hands with warm water and soap or using alcohol-based hand rub. Lastly, seek medical attention immediately if you start coughing or have difficulty breathing.


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